"When one door shuts, another opens."
RCB vs GL: When one door shuts, another opens for Suresh Raina ...
Video for "When one door shuts, another opens."
▶ 3:47
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=I_3yMgO89U8
May 24, 2016 - Uploaded by Best videos
SPARE A thought for Suresh Raina. A day before he is to lead his IPL franchise into their biggest match yet, he ...
Video for "When one door shuts, another opens."
May 24, 2016 - Uploaded by Best videos
SPARE A thought for Suresh Raina. A day before he is to lead his IPL franchise into their biggest match yet, he ...
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"When one door shuts, another opens."
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.-- Flora Whittemore
We often hear the phrase, "When one door shuts, another opens." It means everything has a beginning and an end. When our travels on one path are completed, another path lies ahead.
It's not easy to feel a door close. Relationships, friendships, careers, and lives end. Although we may not understand why a door closes, it's important to remember our Higher Power has everything to do with it. By the same token, we may not understand why certain doors open, revealing opportunities we may have longed for. Again, our Higher Power feels we are ready to pursue that new experience.
The doors that open and close today help prepare us for our experiences tonight. The doors that open and close tonight will help us grow toward tomorrow. We are not mice in a maze, randomly pursuing paths for a reward of cheese. We are children of our Higher Power, guided towards our chosen goal through the many doors we open and close along the way.
Have I learned there is a reason for everything in my life? Can I trust that my path has been prepared for me by my Higher Power?
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