Cancer is Fungus= 

Cured=Baking soda & Maple syrup mixture 

cures colon cancer in 5 days &,

gout, kidney disease, diabetes, 

influenza,common cold, too!! 

  1. Baking Soda Cancer Studies and pH Medicine - Dr. Sircus
    May 2, 2012 - 
  2. Dr. Mark Pagel, baking soda and cancer researcher. ... for thetreatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. .... I was diagnosed with gout can baking soda and maple syrup mixture help?
 This diagram shows the diffusion directions for H+, CO2, and O2 between the blood and the muscle cells during exercise. The resulting concentration changes affect the buffer equilibria, shown in the upper right-hand corner of the diagram (yellow). If the amounts of H+ and CO2 exceed the capacity of hemoglobin, they affect the carbonic acid equilibrium, as predicted by Le Châtelier's Principle or the quantitative treatment in terms of equilibrium constants. As a result, the pH of the blood is lowered, causing acidosis. The lungs and kidneys respond to pH changes by removing CO2, HCO3-, and H+ from the blood.

     When one reads my thesis on different medicinal substances one has to always remember that I am a protocol man who does not support single shot cures for anything. With the publication of today's chapter on sodium bicarbonate and maple syrup sodium bicarbonate slips securely into the number three spot right behind magnesium chloride and iodine. Each of these three substances effects directly onto basic human physiology in a way most pharmaceutical drugs do not. When used together we have a super threesome that will inexpensively go far to resolving many of the physical and even some of the emotional problems we and our children face. And if you have not made the connection please note that all three of these substances are used in emergency rooms and intensive care wards and they do commonly save lives every day with their inherent healing powers. See my chapter on emergency room medicine and cancer treatment.  

      All cancer sufferers and in fact every chronic disease patient should hold clearly in mind that pH is the regulatory authority that controls most cellular processes. The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. pH is the acronym for "Potential Hydrogen". In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. Higher numbers mean a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.

     Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body's biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body; the higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast.  Alkaline pH on the other hand, bio-chemically speaking, is slow and cool.

     Body ph level changes are intense in the profundity of their biological effects. Even genes directly experience external pH. pH differentially regulates a large number of proteins. Increased oxidative stress, which correlates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, is especially dangerous to the mitochondria, which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress. Epigenetics, which may now have begun eclipsing traditional genetics, commonly describes how factors such as diet and smoking, rather than inheritance influence how genes behave.

     The following chapter comes after 100 pages of text in the Yeast and Fungi Invaders section of the Winning the War on Cancer book. Please note that sodium bicarbonate taken in water alone will have a powerful effect on entire body physiology because of the instant shift into alkaline pH levels. Bicarbonate can be taken frequently throughout the day with half teaspoons amounts though for long term use lower doses are safer. For cancer patients initial use should be heavy and frequent to force a greater shift because smaller pH shifts can actually stimulate cancer growth.

     Common sense knowledge speaks loudly about cancer and Candida patients avoiding glucose. This is similar to the common sense of pilots who know to pull back on the stick to pull out of a dive. That works until you approach the speed of sound and at that point all the pulling in the world will not work. You have to push the stick forward and do what instincts scream not to do. Several died trying until Chuck Yeager pushed that stick forward and became the first man to break the speed of sound.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Cancer Treatment


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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas Edison
Vernon's Dance With Cancer
Aluminum free baking soda
- Arm & Hammer
- Bob's Red Mill
Sodium bicarbonatewarnings and contraindications.
Here is a recipeto make your own magnesium bicarbonate water.

Rod Peterson's cancer cured with Baking Soda

This information is accurate. I personally know 3 people that started the same protocol and all of them are free of cancer. It's not a joke for those of you who are skeptical. Sodium Bicarbonate carries oxygen and when cancer cells are exposed to oxygen they die. It also brings up the alkaline level so that it's normal and this is also key. Molasses and maple syrup drown cancer cells. So if you want to read more testimonials google and there are a lot of them available. I travel to Europe and noticed that their medical research is way ahead of our doctors. This makes me really question the motives of the AMA and Big Pharma.

Doctors going broke, Baking Soda & Maple Syrup, Cancer

Cancer is Fungus and curable with Baking soda part1

Cancer is Fungus and curable with Baking soda part1
Ison Neowise2 weeks ago
Cancer cannot survive in a alkaline 7.5 PH level. Baking soda will increase your PH levil . When your acidic you are at risk of developing cancer. People who are diagnosed with cancer are very acidic where the body is deprived of oxygen surounding the tissue. Alkaline in the body produces oxygen and the tuma shrinks . Many people today are healing themselves by detoxifying and doing other methods. "Baking soda has 150 mg of sodium 6% Sea salt has 590mg 25% I myself take Baking soda now & than with Braggs apple cider vinegar to ballance my stomach acid. " And regarding urine for testing your PH " is correct as waist & toxins are being removed very high in acid.

Cancer is Fungus and curable with Baking soda part2

Rod Peterson's cancer cured with Baking Soda

Published on Jul 20, 2013
The claim is made saying cancer is cured with Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)

Rod Peterson was diagnosed with end stage cancer and was advised to see a psychologist, since the doctor basically told him he was going to die. Instead, Rod turned to Dr Simoncini's Baking Soda treatment.

Claims are being made saying cancer is cured with Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)

A mirror of a very helpful video showing cancer is not an incurable condition, but is actually a fungus that is cured with sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda).

JudeoChristian Dr Simoncini shows sodium bicarbonate cures colon cancer in 5 days

1- Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer

The reason this cancer cure seems to be suppressed by the American medical Association is because a low cost cure for cancer would probably shut down the current "cancer treatment" industry that earns billions of dollars per year. It's all dollars and cents (not sense) in capitalist extremist America right now. The American media was sold to the highest billionaires, so the "cancer treatment" industry tells the US media to suppress these facts. They simply do not want a cancer cure or they will lose billions.

Dr Simoncini says cancer is a fungus, all fungus dies in a high pH environment, and sodium bicarbonate raises the pH in the body.

I would advise, if sodium bicarbonate cures cancer, then the people working in America's "cancer treatment" industry need to find another job. In socialist Sweden the govt would find all these people good jobs with similar salaries. In capitalist America these people losing their jobs can wind up homeless with no health care. Hence the rabid resistance to anyone coming up with cures for these ailments.

It appears the capitalist American corporations are using COINTELPRO on activists whose work, if successful, could cost those large corporations billions of dollars in lost revenue. Capitalist medical corporations don't want cures because it deprives them of money

For protection visit The Protection Group

 bicarbonate cures colon cancer in 5 days

1- Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer

Cancer is Fungus and curable with Baking soda 

Cancer cannot survive in a alkaline 7.5 PH level. Baking soda will increase your PH levil . When your acidic you are at risk of developing cancer. People who are diagnosed with cancer are very acidic where the body is deprived of oxygen surounding the tissue. Alkaline in the body produces oxygen and the tuma shrinks . Many people today are healing themselves by detoxifying and doing other methods. "Baking soda has 150 mg of sodium 6% Sea salt has 590mg 25% I myself take Baking soda now & than with Braggs apple cider vinegar to ballance my stomach acid. " And regarding urine for testing your PH " is correct as waist & toxins are being removed very high in acid. 

Cancer is Fungus and curable with Baking soda part2

The Alt Cancer Cure that withstood Decades of Medical Scrutiny

Selenium - a "Miracle" Trace Element?

Alternative Budwig Cancer Protocol

Cancer Fighters in Your Supermarket

Anti-Cancer, Turmeric & Black Pepper

Hemp Oil & the Shrewd Games of the Insider-Establishment.

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