Happiness is a Cure for Everything?
Happiness - Cure for Depression - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6cMUuCK4dsMar 8, 2014 - Uploaded by Islam BayaanEvery tear of a believer is precious. Allah looks at the sincerity of our hearts and our actions. "Verily, in the ...Happiness Is A Choice | Positive Quotes (Stop-Motion Video ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYEgbor0sgYDec 28, 2013 - Uploaded by Ameya AjayI hope you enjoy it :D Just wanted to remind everyone to Be Positive Stay Happy Get Inspired :) Music ~ Viva ...50 Happiness Quotes to Change the Way You Think ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW7QhhnQWq4Jun 4, 2014 - Uploaded by bhanusri valliHappiness quotes: collection of the best happy quotes that can brighten your ... Happiness is a Choice ...
Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.
--Alice Meynell
It's all too easy to blame a friend, spouse, or co-worker for the uneven quality of our lives. If only others would behave according to our plans and dictates, then all would go well, we think. What seldom is remembered or even understood is that each of us has an individual perspective on any single event - our own. We need to stretch our minds and hearts to understand an experience from another's point of view. However, we need never fully understand how another perceives life. We need only to accept that another's perspective is legitimate.
Our happiness is not dependent on the perceptions or the actions of someone else. Nor is it dependent on attention, or lack of it, from a loved one. Our occupation may be challenging and fulfilling; however, the joy we get from it depends on the attitude we carry to the job. In every way, whether in the company of others or by ourselves, we make our own happiness.
My opportunity for happiness is guaranteed if I opt for it today.
--Alice Meynell
It's all too easy to blame a friend, spouse, or co-worker for the uneven quality of our lives. If only others would behave according to our plans and dictates, then all would go well, we think. What seldom is remembered or even understood is that each of us has an individual perspective on any single event - our own. We need to stretch our minds and hearts to understand an experience from another's point of view. However, we need never fully understand how another perceives life. We need only to accept that another's perspective is legitimate.
Our happiness is not dependent on the perceptions or the actions of someone else. Nor is it dependent on attention, or lack of it, from a loved one. Our occupation may be challenging and fulfilling; however, the joy we get from it depends on the attitude we carry to the job. In every way, whether in the company of others or by ourselves, we make our own happiness.
My opportunity for happiness is guaranteed if I opt for it today.
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