Spreading wishes for good health, inner peace, undying love and true happiness throughout the year. Happy New Year to all. Love Care/Carolyn)))))00((((Hugs)))) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqokEoN2n9g
Spreading wishes for good health, inner peace, undying love and true happiness throughout the year. Happy New Year to all. Love Care/Carolyn)))))00((((Hugs))) ) https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=mqokEoN2n9g https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ujBkgigscRI https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7yP35Vm2mIU&src_vid= J5cUBwbt6lI&feature=iv& annotation_id=annotation_ 4192555517 https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=SQ3nzDiX62g Time is a circle. The end is the beginning. Day by day, a year comes and goes. Today's end is the beginning of the rest of our lives. We take with us what we have learned today. We are the same and not the same. As long as we are alive, we will continue to wrestle with questions, seek answers, and solve problems. Let's be gentle with ourselves and others, choosing to respond with non-judging love and acceptance instead of unrealistic demands of perfection. We have found a blueprint for reco