Addiction took my child's dreams!!!
AAA 12 Step Caring Counselling Clinical Society
Jeff Bratton and Libby Cataldi, Author of Stay Close, speak…

A mother shares her son's journey of addiction and homelessness hoping it will help people understand the path taken and lack of support given. Woodwynn Farm...

addiction, big pharma, sobriety, recovery, Raj Mehta, anti-addiction, above the influence, straight edge, drug free

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My Gratitude Links from God =got them back..with God's Help!!

Forgiving others and ourselves John Bradshaw -YouTubes

Addiction took my child's dreams!!!
I'm Not Ashamed
My child dreamed of becoming a firefighter, a fisherman, and a marine biologist when he grew up. Becoming an addict was not on his list. I know the child who dreamed those dreams and he is a child to be proud of. Tender and thoughtful and smart, he should be living his dreams. But my child isn't here-an addict has taken his place. Someone who looks like my child is hooked to the strings of an evil puppeteer and living a tortured life. Instead of fighting fires, my child is fighting demons. Instead of tying flies, he's flying high. Instead of reaching for the stars, he's reaching for a bottle. A life full of promise lost to a jug full of lies. Addiction took my child's dreams, chewed them up, and spat out a nightmare.
No, my child didn't dream of becoming an addict, and it certainly wasn't what I dreamed for him either. But I'm not ashamed my child is an addict. I'm sad he's an addict. By shining the light on addiction, I might just get him back.
Shame is a soul-eating emotion.Carl Jung

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