
Any time you sense you are
getting overrun by outside influences and losing your feelings, put your attention inside your body.
Relax. . ., let your breath sink low. . .,
breathe in your abdomen. . . . —ANNE KENT RUSH
When we are feeling as though all our energy is scattered throughout our bodies, we need to practice centering, or focusing this energy into one place. Our center may change from day to day, and each of us feels it differently.
When we're walking, we may feel power coming from our hips and spreading through the body, heart, and mind. When we're in a meditative mood, we may feel warm energy at the back of the head. At other times, we might feel a real centering place in the middle of the chest, right where our heart and arms and breathing come together. There is no one way to be at peace. Centering is a way for each of us to find and picture to ourselves our focused energy. When we can do this, we increase our power to bring about those things we want from life, those things we really do deserve.
Where is my energy right now?
Hazelden Betty Ford's Thought for the Day
Praying for YOU and Your Families- Pray for Me too - I have a heavy chest and using my Puffers.= 73 years old.. I have been in 12 Step Programs Since May 15, 1985.. Nothing worse than a Counselor that is Sicker than YOU!! LOL
On Line Counseling and Support - No Charge!!
Family- Addiction - Psychologist- MINISTER- Art /Pet Therapy & Hypnosis for Post Traumatic Therapy etc.

Join me for this 19 minute pranayama breath practice! Stay nice and low to the ground in this session as you learn to develop breathing techniques for stress...


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